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Fees Breakdown

ARAA Outdoors - Fishing Spotlight 2024

Let's celebrate our kids and a great catch! Complete the form below and upload any pictures, so we can feature all of those cool things on our Facebook Page! 


A/R Outdoors is a unique part of  Anoka Ramsey Athletic Association, offering less-traditional sport options like fishing and archery. Join the board and be a part of growing this program for the youth in our community!

If you are interested in any of the following board positions or have questions, please contact Anoka/Ramsey Outdoors Commissioner, Terry Rehm, at  Thank you!

OPEN: Secretary

  1. Records meeting minutes, including action items at the board meetings.
  2. Maintains and updates the policy and procedures manual.
  3. Keeps attendance records for meetings to determine good standing for board members.


OPEN: Treasurer

  1. Works on budget development in coordination with Outdoors Commissioner
  2. Reports monthly statement of financial activity
  3. Tracks cash flow and controls financial activities
  4. Tracks actual versus budgeted expenses
  5. Provides reimbursement to committee members and others as directed.
  6. Makes all payments for the association.

NOTE: Preference would be for this individual to have experience in corporate financials. 


OPEN: Sponsorships and Fundraising Director

  1. Identifies and organizes fundraising projects in accordance with the goals of the program.
  2. Advises teams on fundraising opportunities and/or buyout options.
  3. Budgets certain fundraising expenses for upcoming season.
  4. Evaluates current and future fundraising projects to ensure they meet the needs of the families and program. 
  5. Communicates proceeds of fundraising projects to board and assists board in determining how proceeds will be allocated to improve and grow the program.
  6. Actively recruits sponsorship opportunities for program.


OPEN: Fishing Coordinator

  1. Works with Fishing Director to effectively run recreational and competitive fishing programs
  2. Coordinates fishing events to grow and promote fishing programs in the community