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House Basketball

House basketball is available for students in grades 2-12.  

Girls House (grades 2-8) runs October to December. Registration is closed for the 2024 season. Click here to go to our Girls House page. 

Boys House (grades 2-8) and Boys Senior House (grades 9-12) runs December to March. Registration is closed for the 2024-25 season. Click here to go to our Boys House page.

House basketball is played in the North metro and will consist of 2, 1-1.5 hour practices per week and 1-2 games per weekend.  Games are played at CRMS, AMSA, and RMS (Northpoint Elementary and/or other elementary schools in Blaine and/or Spring Lake Park will be used for 2nd and 3rd grade).

ARAA House Basketball is part of the Minnesota Youth Athletic Services (MYAS) and Youth 1st Alliance. Read more about it here.


Agreed Upon Policies

To be part of the league your program must agree to abide by the following policies:

  1. We are actively working to build a growing rec/in-house basketball program for our community.
  2. We will have at least one representative from our board take on an active role in the board of directors for the league. We acknowledge that their role is vital to the success of the league and not fulfilling their role properly could lead to our program not being part of the league the following year.
  3. We agree that the focus of rec or in-house basketball is on player development, not championships and we agree to not use the rec program to build superstar travel teams.
  4. We agree that all board members are volunteers and while we have high expectations for all board members, we will respect them as volunteers doing their best.
  5. We agree to abide by the decision of the competition committee on all decisions made regarding players, coaches, or parents from our program. We will enforce the decisions of the league whether we agree with those decision or not.
  6. We will uphold the following policies when building teams to foster a competitive playing environment:
    1. If grades are combined, teams will be built with even or as close to even number of players from each of the combined grades.
    2. All teammate requests require a ‘matched request’ on the registration forms. For example, if player A wants to be a teammate of player B, player A must request player B AND player B must request player A on their respective registration forms.
    3. All players on team must be registered to play for your league.
  7. We agree that all coaches will have an active background check completed by a reputable provider.
  8. We agree that our players, parents, and coaches will treat referee with respect. We will abide by the ruling of the league for any inappropriate conduct related to our referees.
  9. We agree to participate in any volunteer programs (for parents of players) to help facilitate games, concessions, or other necessary activities at the sites throughout the league.

If you have questions about House Basketball, please contact our House Director, Joe Johnson