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House Volleyball

ARAA Volleyball offers a co-ed fall house league placing emphasis on basic rules of the game, skill development, fun and equal play.  House leagues are a great introduction to volleyball- ideal for those who are trying volleyball for the first time and for returning players who enjoy what house volleyball has to offer. 
- Girls in 3rd through 12th grade
- Boys in 3rd through 7th grade
  • Registration opens June 1st and closes August 1st.  ARAA Volleyball will only consider late registrations if there is space available.  
  • The season runs from early September through late October/early November. 
  • DIBS requirements for the house season are 2 hours per athlete. 
  • Co-ed teams will be formed based on grade, player/coach requests, number of volunteer coaches and the number of players that register.  
  • Players are coached by volunteer coaches/parents. 
  • Practices and games are used to teach rules of the game,  passing, setting, hitting and serving.
  • Each team will be scheduled for approximately 1 hour, 2 nights a week between 5:45pm and 9:00pm.  (Ocassional 1 night/week based on gym availability)
  • 3rd through 6th grade is scheduled on Mondays and Wednesdays.
  • 7th grade through High School age is scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 
  • Potential for cross-league play against neighboring communities.  Some games may take place at Andover, Champlin, Elk River and/or Rogers. 
  • Any player who is a member of a high school volleyball team is not allowed to participate in this league in accordance with MSHSL rules.  (2023-2024 MSHSL Volleyball Rules, Policies, and Bylaws) 

Fall House Volleyball volunteer coaches needed!

Our volunteer coaches are vital to the success of our house volleyball program.  Volleyball experience or knowledge is not necessary as this is an introductory league.  ARAA Volleyball's goal is to assign 2 coaches to each team who would share responsibilities. Skills and rules coaching clinics hosted by Anoka High School Volleyball and ARAA Volleyball are provided, age appropriate practice plans/drills are distributed and each coach will have access to online coaching videos.  

Volunteer today and  support your local community through this fun and rewarding coaching opportunity! Sign up to coach during player registration or email  if you are interested. 

All coaches involved in ARAA are required to have yearly background checks completed.

House Volleyball Page

2024 season details and additional house league information found here

Junior olympic volleyball

Do you enjoy playing volleyball and looking to play in a more competitive setting?  ARAA Volleyball offers winter Junior Olympic Volleyball!

ARAA JO Volleyball was created to provide a competitive program at a reasonable fee.  This league is designed for 4th through 12th graders who are looking to further their skills and knowledge of the game in that competitive setting.  Our program is open to volleyball players in the Anoka High School attendance area.  Players outside of this attendance area are welcome to try out, but priority will be given to athletes living in the Anoka High School boundaries.   

  • Advances players knowledge of the game and skills through officiating training,  practices, play dates and tournaments.
  • Tryouts in November will determine the team placement of all players. Cuts may occur.  There will be no make-up tryouts and walk-ins are not accepted.  
  • The season  runs from December through March. 
  • Ideal season length for athletes who are involved in a spring sport. 
  • Players will be coached by experienced coaches.
  • Our goal is a maximum of 10 players placed on a team. Tryout numbers and coaching will be the deciding factors. 
  • Greater emphasis to players and parents on team commitment when compared to house leagues.
  • Equal play is not guaranteed as this is a competitive league.
  • Players are required to learn officiating and scorekeeping responsibilities.  
  • Members of the Junior Volleyball Association (JVA) under USA Volleyball.


Junior Olympic Volleyball Page

2024/2025 season details and additional JO information found here

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Anoka High School
GIRLS Volleyball



Open Year Round! 

We are excited to provide your Tornadoes Volleyball apparel and accessories store year round- the perfect gift for birthdays, Christmas or just because!!






What we are working on...

  • Open Gyms
  • Camps
  • Boys League
  • Girls Fall Competitive League
  • 2025 House Volleyball Season 
  • 2024/2025 Junior Olympic Volleyball Season

Volleyball Drills to Try at Home

 If you are looking for some good volleyball drills you can do at home, check out these links to keep up your skills and play volleyball when you can't be with your team.